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All Seasons' Pigs are Happy Pigs

All Season's native pigs are happy pigs. They get lots of sun, run around their spanking-new pen all-day, and only eat everything that is good and all-natural. The result is meat that is safe and much, much tastier! Why? Because our pork meat has a lot of fat marbling you rarely see in conventionally-raised pork!

Coming off the stock from the Bureau of Animal Industry research station in Tiaong, Quezon, these pigs are a prolific bunch with our sows producing anywhere between 7-13 piglets in one farrowing when usual native pig stocks produce just 4-5 piglets. From an initial stock of one boar, five sows, and 28 two-month old piglets, we have been able to double their number since we started raising them in mid-August 2016.

All Seasons is keen on continuing its breeding program in the next 18 months to produce ~100 sows. At some point, we should be able to produce enough pigs for our own use and share this genetic line with would be native hog raisers. In agriculture, we are all multipliers and this is our way of giving back to an industry that is so nurturing.

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(c) Orchid Keepers 2011. (c) All Seasons Nature Farms 2017.

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